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Head and Tail WIN Data ini merupakan data real yang muncul di HeadTail
Tgl Ganjil Tgl Genap WIN BET
No Win No. Win Percent (%) WIN
51 Tail 56 Tail 90 Tail
31 Tail 15 Head 10 Min BET
29 Tail 14 Tail 90 Tail
45 Head 15 Head 90 Head
45 Head 46 Head 90 Head
53 Tail 42 Head 10 Min BET
39 Tail 55 Tail 90 Tail
50 Head 27 Head 90 Head
55 Tail 57 Head 10 Min BET
01 Tail 58 Head 10 Min BET
29 Tail 57 Head 10 Min BET
10 Tail 04 Tail 90 Tail
22 Tail 30 Head 10 Min BET
45 Head 55 Tail 10 Min BET
40 Tail 21 Head 10 Min BET
45 Head 36 Head 90 Head
46 Head 54 Head 90 Head
17 Tail 38 Head 10 Min BET
02 Head 29 Tail 10 Min BET
48 Tail 24 Head 10 Min BET
32 Head 59 Tail 10 Min BET
23 Tail 01 Tail 90 Tail
22 Tail 27 Head 10 Min BET
36 Head 31 Tail 10 Min BET
24 Head 11 Head 90 Head
36 Head 07 Tail 10 Min BET
59 Tail 59 Tail 100 Tail
26 Tail 57 Head 10 Min BET
11 Tail 03 Head 10 Min BET
19 Head 27 Head 90 Head
23 Tail 57 Head 10 Min BET
59 Tail 00 Head 10 Min BET
14 Tail 34 Head 10 Min BET
03 Tail 30 Head 10 Min BET
56 Tail 25 Tail 90 Tail
40 Tail 48 Tail 90 Tail
16 Tail 42 Head 10 Min BET
48 Tail 52 Tail 90 Tail
24 Head 34 Head 90 Head
33 Tail 57 Head 10 Min BET
21 Head 4 Tail 10 Min BET
16 Tail 49 Tail 90 Tail
18 Head 13 Tail 10 Min BET
07 Tail 02 Head 10 Min BET
22 Tail 58 Head 10 Min BET
43 Tail 13 Tail 10 Tail
09 Head 34 Head 90 Head
01 Tail 48 Tail 90 Tail
01 Tail 22 Tail 90 Tail
46 Head 03 Tail 10 Min BET
02 Head 23 Tail 10 Min BET
25 Tail 38 Head 10 Min BET
10 Tail 56 Tail 90 Tail
42 Head 29 Tail 10 Min BET
06 Head 00 Head 90 Head
36 Head 51 Tail 10 Min BET
08 Tail 18 Head 10 Min BET
Win Tail Win Head
Spl 35 x Spl 31 x
JLH 51,20% Jlh 48,80%
Berdasarkan data di atas dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa pada tanggal ganjil maka peluang yang paling besar muncul Tail dan pada tanggal genap peluang muncul Head sangat besar, Cara memainkan game ini tidak perlu mendaftar karena game ini jika anda BET dengan benar langsung akan membayar ke Liberty Reserve anda. Cara Memainkan :
  • Anda harus perhatikan di HISTORY nya apa tanggal ganjil atau genap
  • Buka 2 buah lembar dimana yang satu untuk melihat HISTORI dan yang kedua untuk BET
  • Misalkan hari ini adalah tanggal ganjil, HISTORY BET muncul angka 51 maka kemungkinan Muncul berikutnya Tail (record pertama yang direkom oleh Paul Rodrigo dan tidak ada hubungan dengan moneyvestasi)
  • Jika hari ini tanggal ganjil, namun kedua data menampilkan data yang sama, maka pilih data yang berlawanan tanggal.
  • Jangan lupa Refresh halaman HISTORY untuk melihat data UPDATE agar prediksinya tepat
  • Dosa dari permainan ini tanggung sendiri
  • Record tersebut telah dihitung dengan rumus Randomly Agregat selama 7 bulan dengan tingkat keakuratan 95%
  • Moneyvestasi tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap WIN atau LOSE yang anda derita dalam game ini, karena Iklan ini dibayar oleh mereka $1300
  • Jangan BET kalau gak sanggup tahan RESIKO (DISCLAMER)
  • Iklan ini dipasang oleh PAUL RODRIGO asal Mexico

Minggu, 27 Juli 2008

Changing attitudes about change: longitudinal effects of transformational leader behavior on employee cynicism about organizational change

Summary :Using longitudinal data collected in two waves, nine months apart, from 372 employees, this research is an empirical assessment of individual-level change within an organizational setting.
Specifically, strategies used by change implementers were operationalized as six transformational leader behaviors, and then hypothesized to influence employees’ cynicism about organizational change (CAOC). A combination of social learning theory, and communication
research served as the theoretical rationale to explain transformational leadership’s hypothesized effects. As posited, transformational leader behaviors (TLB) generally were associated with lower employee CAOC. Further, the direction of causality was consistent in suggesting that the TLB reduced employee CAOC. A discussion concerning the ethical use of TLBs and recommendations for future research are provided. Copyright#2005 JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

The topic of organizational change has been an active area in management research for decades.
Despite its consistent attention, the change literature has seemingly little empirical data to advance research and inform practitioners in the area of process change, or actions undertaken to enact change (Armenakis & Bedian, 1999). That is not to say that it has been completely ignored; however, the general focus has been on conceptual change models, the context of change (i.e., factors underlying successful change efforts; e.g., see Baer & Frese, 2003) and factors relating to organizational effectiveness (Armenakis & Bedeian, 1999). This rings particularly true for the leadership literature in which studies typically show a single ‘snap-shot’ of leaders’ influence on followers and conclude that leadership is effective or not. Given the difficulty of collecting valid data that demonstrates utility of leadership over time, the gap in the literature is accordingly understandable. Nonetheless, evidence regarding theinfluence of leadership behavior over time is seminal to evaluating the overall utility of any particular leadership style. Thus, we see a strong need for empirical evidence from longitudinal research testing the efficacy of leader behavior on employee attitudes over time. Although we are expressly interested in leadership, we think it is important to link leadership to the larger context of organizational change since leadership influence on followers represents organizational change at the individual level.
Kanter, Stein, and Jick (1992) provide an organizing framework for examining the consequences of strategies used by change implementers on the outcomes experienced by change recipients. In the current study, these two categories are operationalized by transformational leader behavior (i.e., strategies used by implementers) impacting the cynicism about organizational change of employees (CAOC; i.e., attitudes of the change recipients toward change). Further, so that the relationships can be better understood, we used a longitudinal research design (i.e., cross-lagged panel) that allows for the exploration of change across time, as well as the direction of those relationships.
Through Kanter et al.’s (1992) framework, we examine whether or not change implementers’ strategies have the influential positive effects upon change recipients hypothesized by leadership researchers. Put simply, we are interested in understanding whether transformational leader behavior reduces

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